PRP & Growth Factors

Growth factors are molecules released after suffering an injury.

They attract cells responsible for the healing process, and stimulate cell division and the creation of new blood vessels. This allows more nutrients and oxygen to reach the injured area, optimizing the scarring and healing process. One of the most important types of cells responsible for releasing growth factors are platelets, the cells in our bloodstream responsible for forming blood clots.

What PRP Is And Why Isolated Growth Factors Are Superior

Platelet Rich Plasma is a treatment in which your own blood is drawn and then spun in a centrifuge in order to separate the plasma (which includes platelets) from the red blood cells. The PRP is then injected into the site of injury in order to promote healing.

While PRP can be an effective treatment, there are some disadvantages, including:

Since growth factors are the therapeutic basis of PRP, our lab has developed a way to obtain a highly concentrated product with growth factors only (Isolated Growth Factors). 

The advantages of using Isolated Growth Factors are:

Both PRP and Growth Factors can be

used as an alternative treatment to stem

cells in joint injuries and aesthetic


All of our local applications of stem cells include this high quality Isolated Growth Factors mixture in order to further activate the healing properties of the stem cells. In our capillary (hair) protocol, we include 2 follow up sessions of Isolated Growth Factors to ensure stimulation of hair growth.