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Healing Blend (BPC-157, TB-500, MGF)

The ultimate healing stack, the Healing Blend contains 3 separate peptides that work synergistically to stimulate a rapid healing response in the body.

BPC-157 is one of the best known peptides of all, and for good reason. Commonly used for musculoskeletal injuries, it’s typically injected locally at the site of injury where it stimulates a rapid healing response from the body. BPC-157 can also be taken orally for the treatment of gut dysbiosis, leaky gut, and food sensitivities.

TB-500 is a peptide secreted mainly by the thymus, a gland that decreases in function and size as we age. At the musculoskeletal level, this peptide stimulates muscle growth, increases collagen production, and acts as a muscle relaxant. At the neuronal level, it encourages the creation of new neurons and the survival of existing ones.

MGF is a variation of IGF-1 which enhances muscle proliferation after mechanical load or damage.


BPC-157 (5 mg)

TB-500 (5 mg)

MGF (2 mg)

$ 200